I’m Just Saying…. Seriously~

…  or musings from being intoxicated during Monday Night Football

* Well with the Dow dropping in record numbers and the Bail Out plan in pieces on the floors of congress, I figure it’s going to take an “Incredible” to fix the economy.  Seriously!

* So I was in the hood the other day.  Picked up a bootleg copy of that new Samuel L. Jackson movie, “Lakeview Terrace.”  Sometimes you really have to watch those bootlegs.  I mean a guy can get ripped off.  I knew something was wrong when I saw Snoop Dogg playing Sam’s role.  Yea the c.o.p was being played by the D. O. Double G.  And then these bootleggers get all imaginative with their movies adding stuff that’s not supposed to be there.  They like to mix movies like a DJ mixes hip hop records.  So my bootleg copy of Lakeview was combined with Tyler Perry’s, Diary of a Mad Black Woman.  Yea.  After Snoop swiped a credit card down Mudear’s ass, I just turned the movie off.  I’m just saying! 


* Did you get a load of John McCain smirking everytime Barack Obama got off on his ass in the debates the other night?  He had this look as if to say, “Look Sambo, you talk well and all but I am the white man… what do you think is going to happen on November 4th?” I don’t want to start any rumors, but right after the debates I was looking at an episode of Beavis and Butthead.  And Butthead asked the question,… “Senator McCain, are you my daddy?  Seriously!


* So anyway, did I mention that it’s been quite a while since I had some?  Well when it’s been long enough for a guy everything you look at starts remindind you of sex.   I was watching Monday Night Football.  And at halftime ESPN has this segment called “The Fastest 3 Minutes in Sports.”  It’s where they cram all the highlights and scores from the previous Sunday’s NFL games.  I sat there and thought to myself, “Hmm… the fastest three minutes in sports.  Is that really supposed to be for highlights?  Or is it code for the amount of time a guy can get away from the TV and get a quickie before the third quarter starts?  I mean, thats about all a girl can ask for during halftime anyway right?

Oh… so what did I do with my three minutes?  Well that’s none of your business so I’m not gonna tell you that. 

Oh.. you want to know what happened Sunday?  No problem.  Carolina beat Atlanta, Cleveland beat Cincinnati, Jacksonville beat Houston, Kansas City upset Denver, The Saints beat the 49ers, Tampa beat Green Bay, (Aaron Rogers has a separated shoulder) Tennessee beat Minnesota, the Chargers beat the Raiders, (Kiffen is giong to be fired at any moment now) Buffalo beat the Rams (Linehan got fired) the Skins beat the Cowboys (T.O. is selfish) Chicago beat Philly, the Jets beat Arizona and Brett Favre had 6 touchdown passes.  I’m just saying….Seriously

 Steelers beat Ravens in OT

Job Opening – Lookin for a VP!

Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama speaks at a town hall-style meeting at Troy High School in suburban Detroit, June 2, 2008. (Jason Reed/Reuters)

Sidekick needed – and as Eartha Kitt once said, “I don’t mean on the phone.”

With Barack Obama wrapping up the nomination its time for the president wanna be’s to go-a-lookin for a VP. (Vice President) I mean whats the big deal about being VP anyway?  What does he (I would say or she but Hillary talked herself out of the running last night) do?   You can’t look at Dick Cheney cause he changed the game all the way around.  I remember when he headed the VP search committee in 2000.  After exhausting all of his resources he decided the only one fit for the job was himself.  How noble of him huh?  Well after hooking his business friends such as Halliburton up and making them even richer than they were before – starting a war, etc. it will probably be a while before any presidential candidate picks such a powerful figure to help him carry out his vision.  But I digress!

Now that the Republican and Democratic candidates have all but been decided, its time to start looking for a trusty sidekick.  You know – the job that no one wants but no one can turn down.  I am only old enough to remember so many VPs.  I remember when Gerald Ford was in office and I actually told my parents he should get another chance before Carter was elected instead.  Mom thought that was hilarious.  I didn’t know one way or the other mind you.  Its not like I was Alex P. Keaton or anything like that.  I was 9 years old and to me it was one white man or the other – and Ford looked harmless enough. 

The last few VPs pre-Cheney were interesting in their own right.  Al Gore stood by an embattled Clinton during the tough times, and after inventing the internet, he ran for president but was too punk to contest Florida like he should have.  He went on however to do great work for the planet.  So he has mostly redeemed himself. 

When I think of Dan Quayle, I will always think first of him being bitch slapped by Lloyd Bentson in the VP debate by telling him, “You’re no Jack Kennedy!”  It was a wrap after that.  Though his boss Bush Sr. prevailed by scaring white folks with Willie Horton ads, Quayle was perceived to be a pi-on. 

Bush Sr. was a VP for Ronald Reagan.  And he seemed like a pretty strong figure even back then.  He had plenty of experience in politics and was far from a pion.   Ron was the right cat at the right time for conservatives and America embraced him.  He was so popular that he could afford to pick a strong VP.  Ron had ‘presence’.  If he was on stage, you were not going to overshadow him.  Period!

But what of this political climate?  You got John McCain who is as old as dirt.   Can’t decide whether he wants to be W, or the maverick senator he used to be back when Moses got the commandments.  I know he is trying to do a dancing act but damn!  He is starting to remind me more of Sybil than anyone else.  I mean if Kerry ‘flipped flopped ‘  then this dude is re-defining the phrase.  Who does he pick?  Certainly not somebody as old as his ass.  But he can’t pick someone that looks so attractive that he/she outshines him.  That does count you know.  Remember Kennedy beat Nixon because Kennedy looked ‘fly’ during the first televised presidential debates and Nixon was sweaty and repulsive to the American people.

Then there’s Obama.  What does he do?  I guess Jeremiah Wright is out of the question.  But he has to get someone that will support his vision, and not make him look bad.  This man or woman has to be clean and hold up fairly under scrutiny.  AND he/she has to be able to hang with if not smash McCain’s sidekick in the VP debate ~ and galvanize Americans.  Make no mistake this is going to be a hotly contested race and as Rakim used to say, there will be “no mistakes allowed.”  If McCain’s VP choice shines more than Obama’s, it’s not going to be good in November. 

Don’t get the posturing you see on TV twisted.  People hem and haw about not wanting to be VP.  But its a very important post; a heartbeat away from being large and in charge.  So who should Obama and McCain pick for their respective VPs? 

****I have a few choice words as to why Obama should NOT pick Hillary under any circumstances.  Log on Friday for that! 

Tomorrow – a special report on the NBA Finals as two historic teams renew an old rivalry.

BBG C-Notes Week Ending May 23-26

A special happy birthday to the first love of my life.  My momma!  Mom you are 63 and you still look fly to me! 
Love Ya Always, son


Don’t Just Pass The “Q”

Image Preview





As we take the time to enjoy this first national holiday of the year, please remember the purpose of the day.  Enjoy your barbque by all means, but remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives for this nation.  Appreciate those who serve now.  God bless you all!

**Speaking of heroes!


What about Chinese police woman Jiang Xiaojuan who breast fed several starving infants in the midst of the devastating effects of the earthquake that struck China on May 12.  In the midst of tragedy there are always stories of people coming together and doing incredibly unselfish things.  Its the best of human nature.  This officer who is also the mother of her own 6 month old stated, “I am breast-feeding, so I can feed babies. I didn’t think of it much. It is a mother’s reaction and a basic duty as a police officer to help.”  Saving any children where its estimated at least 70,000 have perished in a nation, where by law a family can only have one child is especially important to the survivors.  My Chinese brothers and sisters, you are in my prayers.

 ** We can’t forget about the people of Myanmar people who suffered tens of thousands deaths as well from the cyclone.  Thank God the junta has finally agreed to allow all of the aid workers to enter the nation and assist the people there.  So far the leadership has been horrible to their people.  Hopefully the pressure from the world will break through.

** Prayers for Senator Ted Kennedy and family.

** I’m trying to leave this alone – but whats up with McCain and John Hagee?  I mean more info comes out about Hagee’s idiotic statements – most recently about how God used Hitler and the Holacaust to return the Jews to Isreal.  Wow!  Well after seeking this guys endorsement McCain is now backing away from Hagee.  And get this: McCain claims this situation does not compare to the Obama controversy surrounding Rev. Wright because Hagee was not his pastor or spiritual advisor.  Huh?  This may be fact.  However,  the truth is that Hagee made these statements years ago and apparently as a friend of mine noted, McCain at worst is such an “endorsement whore” that either he didn’t bother doing his homework before seeking Hagee’s endorsement, or it just didn’t matter till these sermons came to light.  McCain is a mess! He reminds me of ’04 when all the Dems could come up with against Bush was Kerry.  He may be worse.  He sounds more like a bumbling idiot every time he opens his mouth.  Its not a good time to be a Republican, especially when the current president is doing so bad, that the party has to pick the lesser of it’s hopefuls to represent the party and not “waste” a “good” canidate.

** Safe journeys to “The One And Only” and partner in crime and activism “Don Pablo” traveling to Iowa.  God bless your family.

** Go Lakers! 

The Lakers 60th Anniversary logo worn on the Lakers' uniform

** So my daughter had her an ingrown toe nail removed this morning.  And in great anticipation she moaned and complained about having to have a numbing shot in the toe.  “Oh my god, is this gonna hurt?  Ohh ohh ohh,” as she grabbed my arm and acted as if she was giving birth.  Her teacher calls her “The Queen of Exaggeration” and in keeping with that title, a few minutes after receiving the shots she says, “I don’t think the numbing is working.  I can’t feel my toe!”  Upon laughing and telling her I am going to put her in my blog for that statment, her expression changes immediately and she tosses her head to the sky and follows up with this classic, “Good, after people read about me I will be on broadway!.”

Have a safe weekend!  🙂

 Cya Tuesday




Lame Apologies & Hypocritical Philosophies

After all of that BS that went down with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his words/associations with Senator Barack Obama, John McCain for the most part has been given all but a free ride with the endorsement of John Hagee.  Hagee, a long time evangelical zealot nutcase gave a few choice words regarding the Catholic church in calling them “the apostate church” or “the great whore.”  McCain glady took his endorsement anyway and claimed to be ignorant of his remarks.  This is because McCain is trying to shore up as much of the republican base as he possibily can.  It is interesting to see him play this game of conservative musical chairs, as on one hand he plays to his past as being an adverary of many of the ways and policies of W, and at the same time embracing many of W’s policies such as the war in Iraq, the disdain of anything Islamic, and making permanent tax cuts for the rich.  Like many politicians he’ll say anything to get elected and because Hillary and Barack have been kicking each other’s asses in the headlines from state to state, he has gotten a free ride. 

In addition, I believe that in addition his ride has been easier because to a degree white people can afford to be more polarizing than people of color.  You’d be hard pressed to convince me that there would be that many Catholics who lean towards conservative politics who wouldn’t vote for McCain regardless of some crackpot preacher comments.  But Obama’s relationship to Wright who didn’t call any religion any names has to be exhausted to the point where we are tired of hearing about it. 

But what is with the generic apologies that people make often in the media?  Rarely do I hear these people take responsibility for what they said – or speaking directly to the core of what was done or said. 

For example, what about a racist comment like Fuzzy Zoeller’s years ago at the Masters:

“That little boy is driving well and he’s putting well. He’s doing everything it takes to win. So, you know what you guys do when he gets in here? You pat him on the back and say congratulations and enjoy it and tell him not serve fried chicken next year. Got it?”

Then Zoeller smiled, snapped his fingers, and walked away. Then he turned and added, “or collard greens or whatever the hell they serve.”

After the outcry from fans who found those statements racist and stereotypical – Fuzzy’s apology went like this:

“My comments were not intended to be racially derogatory, and I apologize for the fact that they were misconstrued in that fashion.” 

He apologized for our dumb selves misconstruing his comments – Imagine that?

Hagee chose a similar reprive:

In a letter to William Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Civil and Religious Rights, Hagee wrote: “Out of a desire to advance a greater unity among Catholics and evangelicals in promoting the common good, I want to express my deep regret for any comments that Catholics have found hurtful.”

Uhhh does that mean he no longer thinks the Catholic church is an apostate or the great whore?  And perhaps others who are not Catholic found those remarks to be offensive.  He continued…

“In my zeal to oppose anti-Semitism and bigotry in all its ugly forms, I have often emphasized the darkest chapters in the history of Catholics and Protestant relations with the Jews,” Hagee wrote. “In the process, I may have contributed to the mistaken impression that the anti-Jewish violence of the Crusades and the Inquisition defines the Catholic Church. It most certainly does not.”

“I may have contributed????”  What is that?  It’s a poor excuse and a lame ass political statement is what it is.  Can you imagine telling your significant other,  “In the midst of arguing in the kitchen last night, I apologize for words I may have used that may have given you the impression that I called you a bitch.”  This would never fly in real life – but in the life of media and politics it seems to be just fine.

When it comes to race or hate politics, whites who are racist tend to effectively dismiss such comments by Hagee as being a part of the process.  They know that McCain probably does not have an opinion on Catholosism one way or the other – other than they vote.  Therefore Hagee’s comments won’t stick to him like a leach sucking his political hopes away.  As long as he holds to their political views when it comes to abortion, gay marriage, the economy, the war and a prevailing dose of subtle white superemacy.

If there was no election at stake and McCain wasn’t pining for every vote there would be no apology.  clearly they got to Hagee.  Meanwhile McCain never disassoiated or rejected Hagee’s endorsement anyway.  And it was cool – unlike Obama who had to run the hell away from fellow Chicago resident and political firestormer The Minister Louis Farrakhan who is still getting raked over called the Jewish faith “a gutter religion” after so many years have passed.  Look at how Obama responded to Tim Russert’s questions about Farrakhan’s support of his candicy:

You know, I have been very clear in my denunciation of Minister Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic comments. I think that they are unacceptable and reprehensible. I did not solicit this support. He expressed pride in an African-American who seems to be bringing the country together. I obviously can’t censor him, but it is not support that I sought. And we’re not doing anything, I assure you, formally or informally, with Minister Farrakhan.”

See the difference?  We have a long way to go in this country when it comes to sincerity and acknowledgment of these subtle nuances.  When we are honest with ourselves and our prejudices – then we won’t accept these lame apologies and hypocritical philosophies.